Instant access to Google in your browser

Make sure you lot're signed in and start searching.

Select the first option

Striking "Yes" to complete

Select the first option

Hit "Add" to complete

Select the first option

Hit "Yes" to consummate

Google Search is installed only non set as your default search provider. To default to Google, here's how you do it:

  1. Click the Tools icon at the far right of the browser window.
  2. Select Internet options.
  3. In the General tab, find the Search section and click Settings.
  4. Select Google.
  5. Click Set as default and click Close.

Step 1: Open up Internet Options

Click on Tools from the menu at the top of your browser.
And then select Internet Options from the menu.

Pace two: Alter your homepage to Google

In the top department called Home folio, delete the highlighted text next to Address. So type in that box.

Step three: Save your changes

Click OK at the bottom to save your changes.

Footstep ane: Open up Settings

Click on the settings icon in the upper right corner and select Settings.
A new tab will open up.

Step 2: Change your homepage to Google

In the Appearance section, click the button adjacent to Prove Home push, then click the blue link Modify.
Delete the text in the box, which is either well-nigh:bare or another website. And then type in the box.
Click OK to save your changes.

Step 3: Sync your settings

To sync your tabs, bookmarks, apps, themes and more across all your devices, click the Sign in to Chrome push button at the top of the Settings page.
Sign in with your Google Business relationship, then click OK, sync everything or click the Advanced link to customize your sync settings.

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Step 1: Click on the settings icon

Click on the settings icon in the upper-right corner of your browser and select Settings. A new tab volition open up.

Step 2: Change your homepage to Google

In the Appearance section, check the box next to Show Home button.
To set your homepage, click Modify.
Select Open this page, and then type in the box. Click OK.

Step 3: Sync your settings

To sync your tabs, bookmarks, apps, themes and more than across all your devices, click the Sign in to Chrome push at the acme of the Settings folio.
Sign in with your Google Account, then click OK, sync everything or click the Avant-garde link to customize your sync settings.

Acquire more

Option one: Drag the Google icon

Click and elevate the blue Google icon below to the home icon located in the upper-right corner of your browser.
Click yes in the pop-up box.

Option ii: Edit your preferences manually

Click on Firefox in the meridian left corner, then select Options, and then click on Options in the right menu.
Click on the General button in the tiptop menu with the picture of a switch.
Next to When Firefox starts, open the driblet downwardly carte and select Show my home page.
Type in the Home Page box, and click OK to save.

Bonus: Make Google your default search engine

Click the downward pointer on the left of the search box.
Select Google from the dropdown menu.

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Option 1: Drag the Google icon

Using your mouse, click and drag the blue Google icon below to the domicile icon located in the upper right corner of your browser.
Then click yes in the pop-up box.

Option two: Edit your preferences manually

Select Firefox from the menu bar, so click on Preferences.
Type in the Home Page box and close Preferences to salvage.

Bonus: Brand Google your default search engine

Click the downward pointer on the left of the search box.
Select Google from the dropdown menu.

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Pace 1: Open Settings

Click on Safari in the top Apple menu bar, and then select Preferences.

Step ii: Alter your homepage to Google

Side by side to New windows open with, select Homepage from the drop down carte.
Select Homepage from the adjacent drib down menu next to New tabs open with.
And so blazon world wide in the box next to Homepage.

Step three: Change your default search engine to Google

Select Google from the drop downwardly carte next to Default search engine.
Your changes are automatically saved.

Learn more

Pace 1: Open Preferences

Click on Opera from the top menu and select Settings, and so Preferences.

Footstep 2: Alter your homepage to Google

Next to Startup, select Get-go with dwelling house folio from the drop downwardly menu to see Google when you open your browser.
So blazon into the box next to Home folio.

Pace three: Save changes

Click the OK push to save your changes.

Edit preferences or settings to make Google your homepage

Oops! Nosotros can't effigy out which internet browser instructions to show you. Try clicking on the proper noun of your browser in the pinnacle bill of fare and so selecting Preferences, Settings, or Options. If you have Tools in the top menu, click on information technology and and so select Net Options.

Or try downloading Google Chrome for a fast, gratis browsing experience. Chrome runs websites and applications with lightning speed.

Now you're ready to search with Google, wherever you go along the web.

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